Ford Ecosport: Lighting
Removal steps in this procedure may contain installation details.
The original equipment cellular phone antenna cable is part
of the wiring harness and cannot be removed...
Other information:
Line Pressure Test
Perform the line pressure test prior to performing the stall
speed test. If the line pressure is low at stall, do not perform the
stall speed test or transmission damage will occur. Do not maintain WOT in any transmission range for more than 5 seconds.
This test verifies the line pressure is within specification.
Remove the 2 bolts and position as..
Until the initialization procedure is complete, the one-touch open and one-touch close function is disabled.
An initialization procedure that was interrupted or not
completed can be started again after cycling the ignition from ON to OFF
and back to ON again.
An initialization procedure that was interrupted at the
hard stop can be starte..