Ford Ecosport: Body Closures / General Procedures - Hood Alignment
Inspect the hood-to-body dimensions.
Refer to: Body and Frame (501-26 Body Repairs - Vehicle Specific Information and Tolerance Checks, Description and Operation).
All alignments
Remove the hood latch.
Refer to: Hood Latch (501-14 Handles, Locks, Latches and Entry Systems, Removal and Installation).
Hood fore and aft, left and right alignments
Loosen the nuts enough to permit movement of the hood.
Carefully close the hood.
Adjust the hood to specification.
Refer to: Body and Frame (501-26 Body Repairs - Vehicle Specific Information and Tolerance Checks, Description and Operation).
Carefully open the hood.
Tighten the nuts.
71 (8 Nm)
Hood front up and down alignments
Adjust the bump stop rubbers.
Close the hood.
Adjust the hood to specification.
Refer to: Body and Frame (501-26 Body Repairs - Vehicle Specific Information and Tolerance Checks, Description and Operation).
All alignments
Install the hood latch.
Refer to: Hood Latch (501-14 Handles, Locks, Latches and Entry Systems, Removal and Installation).
Inspect the body-to-hood dimensions.
Refer to: Body and Frame (501-26 Body Repairs - Vehicle Specific Information and Tolerance Checks, Description and Operation).
LH side shown, RH side similar.
Check the body-to-front door dimensions.
Refer to: Body and Frame (501-26 Body Repairs - Vehicle Specific Information and Tolerance Checks, Description and Operation)...
LH side shown, RH side similar.
Check the body-to-rear door dimensions.
Refer to: Body and Frame (501-26 Body Repairs - Vehicle Specific Information and Tolerance Checks, Description and Operation)...
Other information:
vehicle is equipped with an external transmission fluid cooler. The
transmission fluid cooler is an oil-to-air fluid cooler which is mounted
in front of the radiator. The cooling system also consists of a thermal
bypass valve which is mounted on the transmission...
Acceptable Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH)
Noise is any undesirable sound, usually unpleasant in nature. Vibration
is any motion, shaking or trembling, that can be felt or seen when an
object moves back and forth or up and down. Harshness is a ride quality
issue where the vehicle's response to the road transmits sharply to the