Ford Ecosport: Automatic Transmission - 6-Speed Automatic Transmission – 6F35 / General Procedures - Transmission Case Reseal
Special Tool(s) /
General Equipment
Slide Hammer |
Handle |
205-990 Installer, Axle Seal TKIT-2012A-FL TKIT-2012A-ROW |
Actuator Pin (Dia 3/16) |
Collet, 3/4 to 7/8 |
Holding Fixture, Transmission |
307-091 Handle, Torque Converter TKIT-2009TC-F |
307-566 Retainer, Torque Converter TKIT-2006C-FFMFLM TKIT-2006C-LM TKIT-2006C-ROW |
307-625 Fixture, Bench Mounting TKIT-2008ET-FLM TKIT-2008ET-ROW |
307-627 Installer, Converter Seal TKIT-2008ET-FLM TKIT-2008ET-ROW |
307-635 Protector, Turbine Shaft Seal TKIT-2008ET-FLM TKIT-2008ET-ROW |
307-718 Installer, Axle Seal TKIT-2013B-FL TKIT-2013B-ROW |
307-718-01 Adaper, 307-718 |
307-723 Installer, Turbine Seal TKIT-2014A-FL |
Puller |
Name |
Specification |
Motorcraft® Ultra Silicone Sealant TA-29 |
Remove the transmission.
Refer to: Transmission (307-01B Automatic Transmission - 6-Speed Automatic Transmission – 6F35, Removal and Installation).
For information on component views and base part numbers.
Refer to: Transmission Description (307-01B Automatic Transmission -
6-Speed Automatic Transmission – 6F35, Description and Operation).
Use M10 x 1.5 x 25mm bolts to attach the special tool to the transmission case.
Install the special tool.
Use Special Service Tool: 307-625
Fixture, Bench Mounting.
Mount the transmission to the bench-mounted holding fixture.
Use Special Service Tool: 307-003
Holding Fixture, Transmission.
, 307-625
Fixture, Bench Mounting.
Remove the special tool.
Use Special Service Tool: 307-566
Retainer, Torque Converter.
The torque converter is heavy. Be careful not to drop it or damage will result.
Using the special tools, remove the torque converter from the transmission.
Use Special Service Tool: 307-091
Handle, Torque Converter.
Remove and discard the LH halfshaft seal.
Remove and discard the RH halfshaft seal.
Remove the torque converter hub seal snap ring.
Using a dent puller, remove the torque converter hub seal.
Use the General Equipment: Puller
Note the location of the stud bolts for assembly.
Remove the torque converter housing bolts.
Pry the torque converter housing loose from the transmission case.
Remove the torque converter housing from the transmission case.
Remove and discard the clutch feed seals.
If the LH transmission case bushing or the LH halfshaft bushing surface
shows signs of excessive wear or damage, a new LH transmission case
bushing and a new LH halfshaft must be installed, or excessive noise or
transmission failure can occur.
Clean and inspect the LH transmission case bushing and the bushing
surface on the LH halfshaft for damage or excessive wear. If the LH
transmission case bushing or the LH halfshaft shows signs of excessive
wear or damage, install new components.
Refer to: Transmission Case (307-01B Automatic Transmission - 6-Speed
Automatic Transmission – 6F35, Disassembly and Assembly of
Do not use metal scrapers, wire brushes, power
abrasive discs, or other abrasive means to clean sealing surfaces. These
tools cause scratches and gouges which make leak paths.
Make sure that the mating faces are clean and free of foreign material.
Refer to: RTV Sealing Surface Cleaning and Preparation (303-00 Engine System - General Information, General Procedures).
Inspect the torque converter housing and the
differential ring gear for damage or excessive wear. If the differential
ring gear shows signs of excessive wear or damage replace the
differential ring gear.
Refer to: Transmission Case (307-01B Automatic Transmission - 6-Speed
Automatic Transmission – 6F35, Disassembly and Assembly of
Do not use metal scrapers, wire brushes, power
abrasive discs, or other abrasive means to clean sealing surfaces. These
tools cause scratches and gouges which make leak paths.
Make sure that the mating faces are clean and free of foreign material.
Refer to: RTV Sealing Surface Cleaning and Preparation (303-00 Engine System - General Information, General Procedures).
Assemble the special tools and remove and discard the input shaft seal.
Use Special Service Tool: 100-001
Slide Hammer.
, 303-D011
Actuator Pin (Dia 3/16).
, 303-D019
Collet, 3/4 to 7/8.
Install a new input shaft seal on the special tool.
Use Special Service Tool: 307-723
Installer, Turbine Seal.
Using the special tool, install the input shaft seal.
Use Special Service Tool: 307-723
Installer, Turbine Seal.
Install the 5 new clutch feed seals.
Install the special tool on the input shaft.
Use Special Service Tool: 307-635
Protector, Turbine Shaft Seal.
Verify the thrust washer and thrust bearing are correctly installed.
No. 13 thrust washer.
No. 11 drive sprocket thrust bearing.
Be sure the sealing surfaces of the torque converter
housing and the transmission housing are free of oil before applying
Apply silicone to the sealing surface of the transmission case.
Material: Motorcraft® Ultra Silicone Sealant
/ TA-29
Install the torque converter housing on the transmission case.
Be sure the torque converter housing stud bolt is in the correct location as noted during disassembly.
Install the torque converter housing bolts and the torque converter housing stud bolt.
18 lb.ft (24 Nm)
Remove the special tool.
Remove Special Service Tool: 307-635
Protector, Turbine Shaft Seal.
Install a new torque converter hub seal on the special tool.
Use Special Service Tool: 307-627
Installer, Converter Seal.
Using the special tool, install a new torque converter hub seal.
Use Special Service Tool: 307-627
Installer, Converter Seal.
Install the torque converter hub seal snap ring.
Assemble the special tools. Install a new LH halfshaft seal on the special tool.
Use Special Service Tool: 205-153
, 205-990
Installer, Axle Seal.
Using the special tools, install the new LH halfshaft seal in the transmission case.
Use Special Service Tool: 205-153
, 205-990
Installer, Axle Seal.
FWD Vehicles.
Assemble the special tools and install a new RH halfshaft seal on the special tool.
Use Special Service Tool: 205-153
, 205-990
Installer, Axle Seal.
FWD Vehicles.
Using the special tools, install the new RH halfshaft seal.
Use Special Service Tool: 205-153
, 205-990
Installer, Axle Seal.
AWD Vehicles.
Special tool 307-718 is reversible, make sure it is assemble correctly for AWD vehicles.
Assemble the special tools and install a new RH halfshaft seal on the special tool.
Use Special Service Tool: 205-153
, 307-718-01
Adaper, 307-718.
, 307-718
Installer, Axle Seal.
AWD Vehicles.
Using the special tools, install the new RH halfshaft seal.
Use Special Service Tool: 205-153
, 307-718-01
Adaper, 307-718.
, 307-718
Installer, Axle Seal.
The torque converter is heavy. Be careful not to drop it or damage will result.
Using the special tools, install the torque converter.
Use Special Service Tool: 307-091
Handle, Torque Converter.
Install the special tool.
Use Special Service Tool: 307-566
Retainer, Torque Converter.
Remove the transmission from the bench-mounted holding fixture.
Use Special Service Tool: 307-003
Holding Fixture, Transmission.
, 307-625
Fixture, Bench Mounting.
Remove the special tool.
Use Special Service Tool: 307-625
Fixture, Bench Mounting.
Install the transmission.
Refer to: Transmission (307-01B Automatic Transmission - 6-Speed Automatic Transmission – 6F35, Removal and Installation).
The engine and transmission must be at normal operating temperature.
Using the scan tool, clear the DTC and Transmission Adaptive Tables...
Motorcraft® MERCON® LV Automatic Transmission FluidXT-10-QLVC
With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist...
Other information:
Removal steps in this procedure may contain installation details.
Remove the engine appearance cover.
Remove the battery tray.
Refer to: Battery Tray (414-01 Battery, Mounting and Cables, Removal and Installation)...
Special Tool(s) /
General Equipment
Slide Hammer
Motorcraft® Threadlock 262TA-26
All core plugs
Cylinder block core plug shown, cylinder head core plug similar...